In a shocking turn of events, as the story unfolds, it is revealed that the cursed mastermind, Grand Duke, has a hidden agenda. Instead of seeking to break his curse, he was actually using the protagonist, who was pretending to be Cordelia, for his own gain. The protagonist’s attempt to scam him and secure her freedom takes a dark and unexpected turn when the Grand Duke discovers her deception. Despite her efforts to change the course of the original story, she finds herself trapped in a dangerous situation.
The chilling twist comes when the Grand Duke, with his unsettling dark red eyes and bloodied hand, not only confronts the protagonist but also makes a disturbing proposal: “Marry me.” It becomes evident that there is something deeply sinister about the mastermind, and the story takes a darker and more complex turn, leaving the protagonist in a precarious and uncertain situation.
Below is a small excerpt from the Manga Series I Treated The Mastermind And Ran Away
I was reborn as an extra who was only used for her enormous power and then abandoned.
Adopted by the Count’s family and subjected to all kinds of abuse and humiliation, she endured without using her power.
All to be kidnapped by the male protagonist of the novel, the cursed mastermind Grand Duke.
“I heard a prophecy that said you can lift my curse.”
“On one condition. I need money to buy my way out of this empire. And it would be even better if I had a suitable position.”
I pretended to be Cordelia, the heroine and female lead of the prophecy, and scammed him. All I wanted was freedom, not romance. Our agreement went smoothly.
……. Until it was discovered that I was not the female lead.
“Here you are. How dare you deceive me and run away?”
His dark red eyes, hidden behind the black eyepatch, stared at me. He slowly caressed my face with his bloodied hand and said in a chilling voice, “When you lied to me, you were determined to do so, right? The weight of responsibility will not be light.”
–Even though I tried to twist the original story, I ended up dying like this. I squeezed my eyes shut.
Gently pressing my lips with his thumb, he said languidly, “Marry me.”
There was something wrong with the mastermind.
Also Read: Secretly Cultivate For A Thousand Years Chapter 23 – Glimpse